Can a Dog Dewormer Cure Cancer in People

Several posts on Facebook and TikTok have recently gained traction claiming that a dog dewormer cures cancer in people. The compound in question is fenbendazole (FZ). It’s sold under brand names such as Safe Guard, Pro Sense, and Panacur.

Nevertheless, there is no evidence that this drug cures cancer in humans. FZ appears to suppress tumor growth by disrupting the proper formation of microtubules in cancer cells.

Intestinal worms

Billions of people in less developed countries are infected with tropical worms that can cause diarrhoea, malnutrition and even death. These worms also prevent children from going to school and hamper their physical and mental development. The worms are caused by contamination of food and water by human and animal waste, which may contain microscopic tapeworm eggs. These eggs can be ingested by people who do not wash their hands or cook raw meat thoroughly. The worms then reproduce and live inside the person’s gut.

A doctor can spot the presence of intestinal worms by examining a stool sample under a microscope. The doctor will prescribe a medicine that kills the worms. He or she may also test a blood sample for antibodies that indicate an infection. The patient should follow a healthy diet and practice good hygiene to avoid future infections. It is important to visit a GP immediately if there are symptoms of a parasitic infection, such as a fever or abdominal pain.

Bovine worms

The worms that infect dairy and beef cattle cause diarrhea. The resulting dehydration and a loss of feed means that cows with heavy worm burdens look poor, have ribs showing, are lethargic and have reduced body condition scores. Worms also compete with cattle for nutrients and drain their energy. Cows with high worm burdens produce smaller calves and less milk.

Most cattle develop strong natural immunity to worms by 18 months of age (except against liver fluke). This immunity can break down in the feedlot when conditions are adverse or when they are close to parturition.

To maintain good cattle health it is essential to follow a multi-faceted parasite management program including regular fecal egg counts and drenching. Dosing cattle with two different classes of dewormers at the same time maximizes the effectiveness of treatment and slows resistance development. It is important to use the right product for your production situation. Our Herd Health Management Course has been designed to help with this.

Dog worms

Dogs are susceptible to a wide variety of parasitic worms, which can affect their health and lead to severe medical conditions. They can get these worms from other dogs, flea bites, or contaminated environment. Additionally, some worms can pass from dogs to humans.

Intestinal worms in dogs can cause many symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting and a pot-bellied appearance. The most common intestinal worms in dogs include roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Puppies can also get heartworms, which are long spaghetti-like worms that infect the heart and lungs.

Another worm that affects dogs is tapeworms, or Dipylidium caninum. These long, flat worms have hook-like mouthparts that attach themselves to the intestinal walls of pets, Nichols says. They can then release eggs into the environment. When a dog licks its fur, the eggs may be ingested. They can also enter a dog by eating contaminated soil or scavenging dead animals. The drug fenbendazole treats these worms by slicing them up into bits and passing them through the intestines.

Human worms

Some worms in the stomach, intestines and bloodstream can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, weakness, fatigue and weight loss. They can also lead to anaemia and swollen abdomens. Worms mainly pass out of the body in poo but can be spread by touching contaminated soil or eating contaminated meat. Some worms can even cause cancerous tumours to develop.

In 2015 a bizarre case in which a man with HIV died from cancer-like cells that developed within a tapeworm called Hymenolepis nana, made headlines. It was the first known time a person became ill from cancer cells that originated in a parasite.

Threadworms enter the body when someone swallows their eggs and the worms hatch in the bowel. Children often catch them by scratching their itchy bottoms at night and the eggs can spread under fingernails or on to bedding or clothing. They can also be spread through contaminated soil or by people who touch faeces from infected children. Regular hot water washing of bed linen and clothes will kill threadworms. dewormer for cancer


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