A lot of people suffer from a problem called a fat neck. It’s very common for people to have a fat neck. The problem affects men and women of all ages, and in fact it can even cause us to appear overweight or older than we actually are. In this article we take a look at the causes of a fat neck and the best ways to get rid of neck fat effectively using the latest non-surgical technologies available today.
The Causes of a Fat Neck:
You develop a fat neck as a result of the build-up of fat layers just below your chin. There is a type of submental fat, which is commonly associated with weight gain, and it is technically known as submental fat. This condition is often referred to as a fat neck or a double chin, and it refers to the layers of fat rolls that appear around the neck when someone has this condition. In spite of this, it is possible to have a double chin or a fat neck without being overweight.
A genetic predisposition to storing fat around the neck can lead to excess fat. A sagging neck can also be caused by aging, as our skin loosens and sags as we age. The absence of collagen and elastin can make us appear fatter, since the skin no longer has sufficient support to maintain its contoured and streamlined appearance. In its place, our neck area looks bigger and more prominent as the skin sags and protrudes. A number of cosmetic and lifestyle strategies can be used to reverse this appearance.

How to lose neck fat:
Changing your lifestyle can often help you lose neck fat, which can be further accelerated by adopting a healthy diet and exercise plan. According to anecdotal evidence, neck and chin exercises may help us to reduce the amount of neck fat, while a healthy diet along with exercise may help us to lose weight around the neck and chin area.
Additionally, non-surgical cosmetic solutions will also be able to assist in reducing neck fat. At the Cosmetic Skin Clinic, we offer two clinically proven treatments that target the removal of neck fat as well as the tightening and lifting of stubbornly sagging skin along the neck. There are two types of CoolSculpting: one is designed to eliminate fat, and the other is designed to tighten and lift sagging neck skin.
The CoolSculpting method for losing neck fat
A CoolSculpting treatment for neck fat freezes submental fat across the neck and reduces the appearance of a double chin. This treatment is FDA approved and takes just 35-60 minutes to complete with impressive results. The following treatments are available to patients:
- In the treated area, you will see a reduction in neck fat of up to 27%
- which will reduce the appearance of neck fat rolls
- It will also tone and contour the neck area
- in order to permanently reduce fat deposits in that area
- without the need for surgery or downtime
During the treatment, a clinician will utilize a specialized applicator to apply cooling energy to specific deposits of neck fat. By using this applicator, fat cells in the submental area will be frozen, forcing them to crystalize and break down. CoolSculpting’s ‘CoolMini’ application has been designed specifically to fit around the neck to provide maximum efficacy. As the body begins to naturally metabolize the destroyed fat cells, the neck fat will gradually disperse over the following three to six months. This will result in the treated patient having a more sculpted, slimmer neckline once the results of the treatment show up after just 8 weeks.