When you are not streaming, your viewers can enjoy the streams of other popular streamers on Twitch. Additionally, it gives more established Twitch streamers a chance to showcase up-and-coming talent,…
Chrome's tab audio muting UI control could previously be enabled in chrome:/flags to mute individual tabs. The mute option now only exists for the site itself instead of individual tabs…
This frustrating issue has been experienced by many Steam users - they cannot open their Steam client. It does not work, or the program closes itself a few seconds after…
Some "Minecraft" players cannot imagine playing without this versatile program, especially when using a less powerful computer. The "Minecraft: Java Edition" optimizer makes the game run more smoothly on computers…
Some of us have experienced this: you accidentally bump into a vase in your living room, causing it to break into a million pieces all over the floor. During the…
You adjust, mobilize or manipulate your spine when you "crack" your back. In general, you can do this to your back on your own. Those telltale cracking and popping sounds…
For a few years now, lash extensions have been trending for all the right reasons. Rather than increasing makeup time, they reduce it. In the wake of the epidemic, many…
A "hickey" is a bruise obtained from sucking or kissing someone's skin during a passionate moment. A hickey can also represent shame: something that a girl hides from her parents…