What is Quantum Hypnosis?

QHHT is a method developed by Dolores Cannon that allows you to connect with your Higher Self (also known as your Over Soul, Super Consciousness, or Inner Being). Your Higher Self is your source of healing and wisdom.

During a session, you are relaxed into a deep state of hypnosis. This allows the analytical mind to recede while your Higher Self provides information and guidance that goes beyond what your conscious mind can access.
How It Works

A QHHT session is conducted in a relaxed and comfortable setting. The client is given a pre-hypnotic induction and then deepened into the state of hypnosis that is known as somnambulism.

During this time, the conscious mind is quieted and access to the subconscious and higher self is opened. During this session, clients are often shown past life regressions and other information that is relevant to their current lives.

The session can reveal lessons, karmic ties, relationships, soul contracts, and more. It also enables you to heal yourself, resolving any negative energy or blocks that may be blocking you from living your best life.

Each session is unique and provides beautiful eye-openers. The method was developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneer in hypnosis, who cultivated this technique over the course of decades. The term “quantum hypnosis” was applied to her work because of the extraordinary results that her clients have experienced during these sessions.

When a person is hypnotized, the conscious mind steps aside to allow for communication with the subconscious. This is where all the information lies, a place where intuition, creative thinking and spiritual guidance comes from.

One of the key benefits of quantum healing hypnosis is that it can help heal physical illness. It does so by creating a natural interactive hemispheric brain state that switches on your internal self healing forces.

During QHHT sessions, clients often report that they have healed illnesses that they had in past lives. This happens because the Higher Self is able to identify any health issues and explain the cause of the problem, be it from this lifetime or a previous one.

Many people also find that they can better understand the meaning behind dreams during a QHHT session. They may recognize numbers, symbols and names from the dream and be able to release negative emotions associated with them. Those who have experienced trauma and loss may be able to find relief by letting go of feelings of helplessness.

The first step in a QHHT session is to establish trust between client and practitioner. This is done by discussing health goals and any questions the client might have.

The hypnotist will then help the client to relax and enter a deep, receptive state of consciousness. This is a theta brainwave state that quiets the conscious mind and allows access to the subconscious.

The hypnotist will then ask the client if they have any questions for their Subconscious (also known as Higher Self, Super Consciousness, etc.). The answers provided by the Subconscious can be anything from a description of a past life to a physical problem that needs healing. In fact, some clients have reported that their Subconscious has been able to heal them by just identifying the source of a problem, be it a disease or an emotional issue. The Subconscious is a tremendous force that provides information and healing without the filter of the conscious mind.

The QHHT method that Dolores Cannon developed and perfected over decades is extremely safe. It achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the somnambulistic state that we experience twice a day – right before we awaken and just before we fall asleep.

This technique allows you to bypass the chatter of your conscious mind and focus on obtaining unlimited information from your subconscious or higher self. It is this information that reveals the true source of challenging issues or symptoms and facilitates healing.

Sondra can also use this connection with your superconscious to navigate multiple past lives, the between-life state and to reveal life lessons and karmic ties that are impacting your current life. All of this is done in a session that is completely safe, and you remain fully in control of your own body, mind and emotions throughout the process. It’s like nothing you have experienced before. A truly transformative and empowering experience!


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